Sunday, July 24, 2011

First gay marriage in NYC - Grannies marry, dance to Gaga...

Two grandmothers became the first gay marriage in NY State - Dancing to Lady Gaga's "The Edge Of Glory!"


  1. How appropriate! This warms my heart!

  2. wow i liked this blog until you said this why should gays be able to get married i dont think its okay

  3. To the other "Anonymous" I'm not going to take up too much of your time. Stop being such a close minded and cold hearted individual. We're crossing into a new era. Deal.

  4. You are an uneducated idiot! Go away!

  5. why should it matter of people from the same gender get married? does it make a difference to the way you live your life

  6. Dear anonymous,
    I'm not gay, but I know and am friends with a TON of gay people You need to get the fuck over what's wrong with your attitude. This is so sweet to me. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. And all my friends that are gay would be offended by this, so you better keep your opinion to yourself so me and every other anti-homophobic being doesn't have to put up with shitheads like you. Kthanksbai

    OH! And I find this the most heartwarming article! It makes me so happy to know that they finally got to get married and dance to The Edge Of Glory! <3

  7. maybe u should read the bible

  8. Remember these word's NO MATTER GAY STRAIGHT OR BI LESBIAN TRANSGENDER LIFE. gay people are human beings at the end of the day shouldnt efect anyone from treating someone different because of who they love

  9. I am I am very christian, i believe love is love. I don't see the difference. If you don't like it feel free to just leave.

  10. At the first homophobic anonymous person:

  11. life would be so much easier if gaga ruled the world. there would be no hate no prejudice. just peace
